Elevate Your Skills: 2024 EXPERTIST® Internship + XPDM Certification

Ever heard of the EXPERTIST® Intensive Internship Program?

It’s a cool 8-week thing where you can learn a bunch of stuff about social media and community management.

And guess what?

It’s happening four days a week, every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon.

Sounds neat, right?

So, what’s this program all about? It’s designed to help you acquire some really useful skills quickly. 

But wait, there’s more! 

This program isn’t just any ordinary internship. It’s done in partnership with EXPERTIST® Academy, which adds even more value to your learning experience. 

So buckle up because you’re about to embark on a journey to become a social media enthusiast!

EXPERTIST® Life Internship Program Outline

This is the overview of the outline of the EXPERTIST® Intensive Internship Program from Week 1 to Week 8.

Alright, let’s break it down. Here’s what you’ll be diving into during this internship adventure:

Week 1

In the first week of the EXPERTIST® Intensive Internship Program, our focus is on laying a solid foundation in social media and community management. 

This week is designed to introduce you to the essentials of engaging effectively online and building vibrant communities around your brand or interest. 

Let’s break down what we’ll cover:

Module 1: Introduction to Social Media and Community Management
  • We’ll start by getting you familiar with social media and why it’s so important nowadays. You’ll learn about online communities and why they matter for businesses.
  • An overview of social media platforms and their impact on modern communication and business.
  • Understanding community managers’ critical role in building, nurturing, and maintaining an online community.
  • A brief introduction to the most popular social media platforms, their unique characteristics, and their relevance to community management.
Module 2: Basics of Setting Up Social Media Profiles
  • Next up, we’ll show you how to create your own social media accounts for business purposes. You’ll learn the ins and outs of making a profile that attracts people and keeps them coming back.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to create and set up social media accounts for business.
  • Best practices for optimizing social media profiles to attract and retain community members.
  • An overview of the dos and don’ts on various platforms to ensure compliance and community safety.
Module 3: Understanding Your Audience
  • This one’s all about knowing who you’re talking to online. We’ll teach you how to figure out who your audience is and what they like. Understanding your audience is key to building a successful online community.
  • Techniques for defining and understanding the target audience for your community.
  • Simple methods to gather insights about your audience’s preferences and behaviors.
  • How to develop audience personas to tailor your community management strategies effectively.

Week 2

In Week II of the EXPERTIST® Intensive Internship Program, the focus shifts to the practical aspects of social media and community management with two critical modules: Content Creation for Beginners and Engagement Strategies. 

Module 4: Content Creation for Beginners
  • Introduction to various content formats (text, images, videos) and their purposes.
  • Basic content planning strategies to maintain a consistent and engaging presence.
  • A guide to simple, user-friendly tools for creating appealing content without prior experience.
Module 5: Engagement Strategies
  • In this module, you’ll learn how to keep your community active and buzzing with conversation.
  • Exploring why engagement is crucial for community growth and member satisfaction.
  • Practical tips and strategies for encouraging interaction within your community.
  • Best practices for effectively managing comments and fostering a positive community environment.

Week 3

In Week III of the EXPERTIST® Intensive Internship Program, the curriculum takes a deeper dive into the analytical and interpersonal aspects of managing online communities, focusing on two essential modules: Introduction to Analytics and Dealing with Negative Feedback.

Module 6: Introduction to Analytics
  • You’ll learn how to track your community’s performance and use that data to improve your strategies.
  • A beginner’s guide to key performance indicators (KPIs) and what they mean for your community.
  • Overview of essential tools and resources for monitoring and analyzing social media performance.
  • How to use analytics to inform your content strategy and improve community engagement.
Module 7: Dealing with Negative Feedback
  • Strategies for dealing with negative feedback constructively and professionally.
  • The role of professionalism in managing difficult situations and maintaining a healthy community atmosphere.

Week 4

In this week of the EXPERTIST® Intensive Internship Program, we are going to focus on two advanced and critical modules: Social Media Ethics and Safety and Building Your Path in Social Media Community Management.

Module 8: Social Media Ethics and Safety
  • We’ll talk about how to keep your online community safe and respectful. Plus, we’ll cover the ethical side of managing a social media community.
  • Essential guidelines for ensuring the privacy and security of your online community.
  • An introduction to the ethical aspects of managing a social media community, including transparency and respect for member data.
Module 9: Building Your Path in Social Media Community Management
  • Discuss the key skills needed to succeed in community management and how to develop them.
  • Recommendations for resources and continued learning opportunities in social media community management.
  •  Tips for creating a portfolio showcasing your community management skills and experiences.

Week 5 – Week 8

From week 5 to week 8, the interns will really start to put everything they’ve learned into practice.

This part of the program is called the Implementation phase. It’s where all the ideas, theories, and strategies from the earlier weeks get used in real-life situations.

EXPERTIST® Intensive Internship Program Qualifications

  • Must be at least 18 but at most 24 years of age.
  • At least Senior High School Graduate
  • Coachable and Willing to learn and teach others
  • Committed to Lifelong and Continues Learning
  • Willing to become a Student and a Leader
  • Have a personal mobile phone with at least 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage.
  • Barangay ID or any Government-issued Valid ID.

What do you need to pay?

Exciting news! The EXPERTIST® Intensive Internship Program is totally FREE! Yes, you heard it right – it doesn’t cost anything to join. 

In this program, you’ll learn how to use social media, create interesting content, and talk to people online all for free.

So, if you want to get better at using the internet and social media, this is your chance.

How do you register for the EXPERTIST® Intensive Internship Program?

Here’s a step-by-step procedure on how to register for the EXPERTIST® Intensive Internship Program:

  • Step 1: Visit the official registration link for the EXPERTIST® Intensive Internship Program.
  • Step 2: Fill out the registration form with all the required information. Be sure to provide accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Step 3: Review and confirm all the details you provided, then click submit.
  • Step 4: Wait for our reply via email within 30 days. Our #ExpertistTeam will review your application and reply as soon as possible.

We look forward to receiving your registration form and getting to know you better. Good luck with your registration!

Why should you bother registering for this internship?

Here’s Why:

  1. Become a Priority in Every Digital Skills Career Opportunity
  2. Add worth and value to yourself because the learning and practical applications will help you set yourself apart from the crowd.
  3. Opportunity to attend free Quarterly Assembly of Like-Minded and Successful Individuals.
  4. Expertist Life Intensive Internship Certificate of Completion 
  5. Opportunity to Proceed and get Certified as Expertist® Practitioner in Digital Marketing™ (XPDM) at EXPERTIST® Academy.
What is XPDM ?

The Expertist® Practitioner in Digital Marketing™ (XPDM) certification program is governed by an alliance of leading educational and professional organizations, including The Expertist Academy, Inc., The School of Modern Innovators, The School of Professional Copywriters, Inc., Educational Ventures, Inc., and more.

This strategic partnership ensures the certification remains relevant and valuable and maintains its quality for digital marketing professionals worldwide.

But Why Bother to Proceed and get Certified as XPDM?

Here’s Why:

  1. You can add it to your last name. Example: Juan Dela Cruz, XPDM
  2. You can use the XPDM Designation after your name on your Business Card, Social Media Channels, Portfolio, CV, Resume, etc., to showcase that you are different from the rest.
  3. The Only Designation who is result-driven and Committed to Life-long learning.
  4. First to Prioritize Every Career Opportunity offered by The Expertist Group, The Philippine Go Research Group, Educational Ventures, The School Of Professional Copywriters, and Partners. 
  5. Exclusive Quarterly Assembly for XPDM Alumni. 
  6. Discounted rate on Partner Institutions and Certifications Providers.
  7. Globally recognized Designation with a groundbreaking collaboration between The Expertist Academy, Inc. (EAI), The School of Modern Innovators, and The School Of Professional Copywriters, Inc. (SOPCI).
  8. Exclusive Training and Certification Partner of Educational Ventures, Inc. (EV), The Leading and Purpose-driven Educational Hub in the country, the Philippine Scholar Educational Institute, Inc. (PSEII).
  9. Partner with the Oustanding Customer First Multimedia Web Publishing Group in Asia, The EXPERTIST® Group Inc.
  10. Partner also with the Philippines’s Leading Informational and Problem-solver Manpower, The Philippine Go® Research Group

Industry Salary Overview

To provide an industry salary overview with a backbone of real data and resources for Marketing Specialists in the Philippines and other countries, I’ve compiled information from various reputable sources. 

Please note that salaries can vary widely based on factors such as experience, industry, and specific location within a country. 

The figures below serve as general guides and are subject to change over time.

Marketing Specialist Salaries

  • Philippines:
    • Based on information from SalaryExpert (as of 2023), Marketing Specialists in the Philippines can expect an average salary of around PHP 539,402 per year.
  • United States:
    • Glassdoor estimates the average salary for a Marketing Specialist in the US to be about $60,000 per year.
  • United Kingdom:
    • According to (as of 2023), the average Marketing Specialist salary in the UK is around £30,000 per year.

These figures are meant to provide a snapshot based on available online data and resources like PayScale, Glassdoor, Indeed, SalaryExpert, and

For the most current and specific salary information, checking these and other reputable salary databases directly, as well as considering factors like company size, industry, and the individual’s level of experience and education, is advisable.

Final Statement

As we conclude, remember that the end of this program is just the beginning of your adventure in the digital world. 

The knowledge and experiences you’ve gained are tools in your journey as you step forward into your career. 

Keep exploring and keep learning. The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and so too will your journey.

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One response to “Elevate Your Skills: 2024 EXPERTIST® Internship + XPDM Certification”

  1. This program is perfect for those who want to know and become a Practitioner in the field of Social Media Marketing and Management, plus it gives you the advantage and opportunity to proceed with their XPDM™️ Certification.

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